How to Avoid Getting Banned on TikTok

For most TikTok creators, avoiding a ban on the platform isn’t that hard; they just keep doing their thing, and everything goes according to plan. Since the platform is meant to be a place where everyone can enjoy themselves and be creative, there are rules in place to remove content or creators who go against that goal. In some cases, individual videos may get removed, but this isn’t the same as a ban. Getting banned is when a creator repeatedly violates community guidelines with their content, and TikTok determines that they don’t belong on the platform anymore.

However, some creators find themselves on the bad list when they didn’t realize that they were violating community guidelines. In a few cases, creators may even get mistakenly banned due to human error. For example, creating your own content versus following all of the other trends can be extremely helpful. So what can you do to avoid getting banned yourself? As it turns out, this is a fairly easy thing to do. TikTok’s community guidelines are pretty standard for a social media platform, so unless your content is extreme or shocking in some way, you probably won’t get banned. 

That being said, sometimes TikTok moderators interpret the rules a little differently than creators. This can result in a ban, even if you were consciously trying to stay within the community guidelines. In this case, you can appeal the ban, or take other steps to restore your account. 

These are the main types of content that could get you banned on TikTok

For TikTok creators who regularly push boundaries, a ban could actually be in their future. This includes pages with videos that promote sexual content, nudity, alcohol consumption, drug consumption, or bullying. If you want to steer clear of a ban, make sure you avoid these seven things.

#1: Misinformation or impersonation

TikTok disapproves of content that misinforms viewers to the point that they could harm themselves with incorrect information. For example, some how-to channels advise viewers (which are often mainly children) to try out activities that could result in serious injuries. However, these activities are portrayed as harmless and fun. If the videos simply portrayed a fictional activity for entertainment purposes, the page wouldn’t necessarily deserve to get banned. If viewers could get harmed while imitating the videos, though, that’s a different matter.

Because it’s possible to open accounts in other people’s names, some creators do this to troll other users. For example, a fairly popular gag is to impersonate celebrities or corporations, and then start commenting outrageous things to get attention. Since this can cause harm to someone’s reputation, it can result in getting banned on TikTok.

#2: Blackmail or doxing

Personal information has become increasingly vulnerable online, especially when the wrong people decide to steal it and then threaten to expose it. Even threatening to hack someone to steal their personal details can result in a ban. Doxing can be very harmful, especially to people who are famous, or who have even a small group of enthusiastic followers. It can result in trespassers, stalkers, or just frustration as random people show up at the victim’s house. 

#3: Content promoting illegal activities

If an account regularly posts videos that promote certain illegal activities, it’s practically asking to get banned. These activities include illegal wildlife trade, human exploitation, depictions of physical harm, or anything else that involves breaking the law. The same thing applies to videos that tell people how to do anything of these things. 

Unfortunately for some creators, there’s a big gray area when it comes to the use of tobacco or alcohol. It’s understandable that drug-related content would be banned, but tobacco and alcohol aren’t actually illegal. Driving while intoxicated is illegal, and minors can’t consume either of these things, but what if a bartender wants to share their recipes with their followers? In general, a ban will only happen if irresponsible consumption is being promoted.

#4: Graphic content

The internet used to be the Wild West where graphic content was concerned, but things have calmed down considerably in the last 10 or 15 years. These days, TikTok frowns on content that depicts graphic or shocking content, whether it comes from actual camera footage, horror films, or horror video games. This applies to both humans and animals.

#5: Content that promotes risky or harmful activities

If a creator posts videos that encourage viewers to participate in high-risk activities, they might get banned. This includes amateur stunts, games, or dares that would likely involve someone getting hurt. It also includes content that promotes eating disorders, self-injury, or suicide.

#6: Nudity or explicit content

Here’s another major gray area. Check out any TikTok creator who does try-on hauls from Shein, and you’ll see plenty of outfits that almost qualify as explicit. The same goes for many influencers, who regularly create content in skimpy outfits for their followers.

However, most creators know when they’re crossing the line – there’s a difference between doing a trending dance in a bikini, and making outright adult content. If you occupy this gray area as a TikTok creator, just be aware that the more risqué your videos become, the likelier you’ll be to get banned.

#7: Videos that threaten public safety

It’s common for TikTok creators to use their platforms to promote certain viewpoints or activities, but they aren’t allowed to do so if this includes violence or terrorist activities. Even videos that advocate for this type of behavior, rather than directly encouraging it, can merit a ban.

How to ensure that you never get banned on TikTok

If you want to play it safe, make sure your content follows these guidelines:

  • It respects the TikTok community
  • It doesn’t reveal anyone’s information without their consent
  • It isn’t misleading
  • It doesn’t promote illegal or violent activities
  • It’s appropriate for viewers of all ages


It isn’t all that common to read the community guidelines of a social media platform, but if you want to make your name as a TikTok creator, you may want to take the time to do so. This will let you know what the boundaries are – and how to avoid crossing them!