Why You Don’t Need to Show Your Face to Be Popular on TikTok

Some of the top TikTok creators are known for things like dance challenges or lip-syncing, which require them to show their faces in pretty much every video. What many people don’t realize, though, is that a ton of successful TikTok creators have never actually shown their faces on the platform. There are plenty of reasons why they made this decision, and many viewers don’t even notice the difference. Quite a few categories of videos lean more heavily on screen-recorded content, voice-overs, etc. rather than a person speaking directly to the camera.

This comes in handy for people who aren’t totally comfortable with the idea of appearing on camera for every video. The good news is that this is more common than they might think; these are some of the most popular niches on TikTok that don’t require creators to show their faces.


Cooking content

Whether you’re doing meal prep videos, cooking tutorials, or something else entirely, this type of content doesn’t have to include your face. Even if you’re standing in front of the camera, it can be focused on your hands and the food while you narrate what’s going on. This allows viewers to feel like they can cook right alongside you, while preserving your privacy.


DIY content

A lot of users love to show their TikTok followers how to complete DIY projects, from basket weaving to making canoes. Creators tell their followers the step-by-step process, introduce them to new tools and techniques, and offer ideas for personalized designs. Since the entire process focuses on the work that’s being done by hand, that’s where the camera can focus as well.


Financial content

Finance TikTok is booming, with countless users consulting their favorite creators for investment tips, money-making ideas, and knowledge about stocks. In many cases, this information is presented with screenshots or screen recordings, together with a voiceover that narrates key information. This is actually necessary, since many financial TikToks involve talking through lists, charts, and graphs that viewers want to see clearly.


Gaming content

Here’s another type of content that’s often done without showing the creator’s face, simply because of the nature of the videos. Gaming content typically focuses on the game-play, which is screen-recorded or even streamed live. The entire point of the videos is what’s happening on the screen, so viewers would barely be interested in seeing the creator’s face even if they could.


Tutorials and online courses

While there are tons of how-to videos available in specific niches, some TikTok creators focus on developing in-depth courses on technical subjects. These are presented in a very concise way, with charts, flow diagrams, and bullet-point summaries that viewers are encouraged to screenshot to study later. There’s usually a narrator explaining everything too, but rarely a face, since that would just be a distraction for this type of content.


Why TikTok creators choose not to show their faces

Some creators simply end up in a niche where they don’t show their faces that often, but others consciously choose not to. Why? These are the main reasons.


  • They want to keep the focus on their brand

If a creator has more than one TikTok account or multiple brands, they might opt to keep their face out of videos just to avoid confusion. This helps viewers identify with the brand, more than the person behind the brand.


  • They want to avoid toxicity

TikTok users can be a wild bunch, and sometimes this involves harsh criticism or harassment for minor details. If a creator doesn’t appear how viewers expect them to, they could be targeted with various types of online harassment. However, keeping their faces out of videos is an easy way to avoid this.


  • They don’t want TikTok to affect their jobs

Some workplaces put a heavy emphasis on the public images of their employees, and that can extend well beyond content that could be deemed objectionable. One TikToker known as Brittany Broski went viral for her reaction to drinking kombucha for the first time; shortly afterwards, she was fired from her job at a bank. Even though the video was completely harmless, her employers didn’t want to be associated with a viral internet meme. When creators conceal their faces, it’s just extra insurance that their jobs won’t be put at risk due to their social media activities.


  • They’re shy

Just because someone is a bit too introverted to enjoy appearing on camera doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy making TikToks. Choosing not to show their face is one way to avoid freezing up or feeling awkward; if needed, they can still provide narration or show their hands working on various projects.


  • They want to preserve their privacy

Even if people aren’t embarrassed about the videos they post on TikTok, they may have a hard time explaining themselves to family, friends, co-workers, and even random people they meet in public. An anonymous TikTok page will keep their privacy intact, and prevent the awkwardness that can come from being recognized in the real world.


What about the disadvantages of not showing your face on TikTok?

Although this decision is a no-brainer for many people, it also entails a couple of disadvantages that are important to keep in mind.


  • It can lead to more copyright issues

Faceless content is more likely to be stolen and passed off as the work of another person. This can require a creator to put in more effort to protect their content, so that this happens as little as possible.


  • It requires more editing

If your face won’t be appearing on camera, you may have to find replacement visuals to keep the video going. This can entail more editing, as well as more time and user licenses.


Will you be showing your face in your TikTok videos?

This is definitely a personal decision; some people can’t wait to put themselves out there, while others prefer to maintain their privacy. Whatever you decide to do, now you know what you’re dealing with. As long as you feel comfortable, you’ve made the right decision!